The Good Land | Muneer Bahauddeen: Vision
Muneer Bahauddeen, a community based public artist, is using art to promote peace, healing, and vision in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a city known for being one of the most segregated and worst places for Black people to live in the United States.
19 mins
Screening in Shorts Block 4.
About the director
Nateya Taylor is a multimedia storyteller based in Milwaukee, WI. As a strong advocate for racial and health equity, her artistic practice intersects film, photography, and creative writing to shed light on Black history, Black culture, Black wellness, and Black experiences, to challenge institutionalized and internalized anti-blackness, and to reveal the multifacetedness of Blackness.
She holds a M.S. in Urban Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a B.A. in Criminal Justice from Carthage College where her research focus was residential segregation, Black geographies, and Black resistance. She incorporates her academic expertise into her artistic practice to tell informative and educational stories.
Nateya is also the founder of Naesthetycs, an emerging multimedia production company that aims to use storytelling and aesthetics as a catalyst to ignite the activist in viewers and shift public policy to create more equitable futures for Black folks and other marginalized groups.